What facilities does Air Richelieu have?
You can tour part of the school via Google. Click here!
We have a large fleet that includes various aircraft models, from the simplest to the most sophisticated, as well as three state-of-the-art simulators.
The college sites are located all around the Saint-Hubert airport. The college is composed of multi-storey buildings with classrooms equipped with projectors and whiteboards. It also offers free WIFI, as well as a restaurant and a lounge.
Can I get financial assistance?
Canadian or resident students enrolled in a college program are eligible for two types of funding:
- Government financial assistance : Student Financial Assistance, provided by the Government, is intended as a “living allowance” and entitles the student to approximately $1,000 per month, depending on the applicant’s file.
- Prêts étudiants : Students can benefit from student loans granted by banking institutions. Most of our students apply to the Caisse Desjardins de Saint-Hubert.
Canadian or resident students in the modular program:
- Like students in the college program, Canadian students are eligible for student loans from their banking institution. However, they will only be eligible for Student Financial Assistance if they are in the college program.
Do you offer accommodation options for international students?
You can either rent a room with a host family or find a studio or apartment—to suit any budget—near the school. Typically, rent is between $400 and $800 per month.
We can help you with your search.
What are the course schedules?
- Modular training : For the practical component, the schedule is flexible according to the student’s availability.
- College training : Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Is the training offered in French or English?
We offer courses in both languages, depending on the students’ language skills.
What facilities are available at Saint-Hubert Airport?
Air Richelieu is based at CYHU airport (Saint-Hubert), which is the second largest airport in Quebec and has three runways. The airport is controlled, which allows you to develop your fluency with radio communications in controlled airspace.
As the airport is located in the centre of Quebec, you will have a wide choice of destinations during your flights.
The airport is also equipped with all types of instrument approaches, providing you with well-rounded experience during your IR-ME training.
Is my training eligible for a tax refund?
- Foreign students : If you choose to work in Canada after your training, you can reclaim your training fees in the form of tax credits.
- Canadian or resident students : Training costs are tax-deductible. Several factors will determine the amount repaid, including your financial situation, current job, etc.
What is your graduation rate?
The success rate is above the national standard set by Transport Canada due to the many preparatory assessments done with all students.
How do I make a payment?
- Online: Application fees can be paid by credit card online when you apply.
- In person at the school:
- Cash
- Credit or debit card
- Certified cheque or money order from a Canadian institution only. Payment should be made payable to AIR RICHELIEU and sent to :
- Air Richelieu Accounting Department
5800 Route de l’Aéroport
Saint-Hubert QC J3Y 8Y9
- Air Richelieu Accounting Department
When sending the payment, you must attach a letter containing the following information:
- First and last name at birth of the recipient in our account (Student)
- File identification number (FILE-AZ170901, INF-AZ170901, ADM-AZ170901 or MEES permanent code)
Important note about payment : If the letter is not included, your payment will not be applied to your application.
- Bank transfer : Please add CAD $15 to the amount of the transfer for bank charges. Here is the information you need to provide to your banking institution to make a transfer:
- Financial institution 0815 (Caisse Centrale Desjardins, Montréal, Canada)
Name of recipient: Aéroclub de Montréal Inc / Air Richelieu
Recipient’s full address:
5800 Route de l’Aéroport,
Saint-Hubert, QC J3Y 8Y9
Tel: 450-445-4444
Fax: 450-926-0430
Institution number: CC081530087 (CC 0 institution 3 transit 5)
Account number: 0815300874901872 (0 institution 3 transit 5 account 7)
Bank contact information:5045 Cousineau Blvd.
Saint-Hubert, QC J3Y 8K7
Tel: 450-443-0047
Fax: 450-676-5050
- Financial institution 0815 (Caisse Centrale Desjardins, Montréal, Canada)
When sending the payment, you must send an e-mail to comptes.recevoir@airrichelieu.com. This email must contain the following information:
- First and last name at birth of the recipient in our account (Student)
- File identification number (FILE-AZ170901, INF-AZ170901, ADM-AZ170901 or MEES permanent code)
- First and last name at birth of the account holder of the sender
- Date of bank transfer
- Name of your banking institution
Important note concerning bank transfers : If the email is not received, your payment will not be applied to your application. In addition, the transfer can take 2 to 3 weeks to arrive.
Can I apply to more than one of the programs offered?
You must make separate applications for admission for each program you wish to apply for, in separate emails. We will refund your registration fee and any related fees for cancelled programs.
Applying for multiple programs ensures that you will be given priority if you are not accepted into the others.
I completed my secondary studies in Canada, but not in Quebec. What are the conditions for admission?
Applicants with a high school diploma from a Canadian province other than Quebec must have obtained:
- Alberta: Grade 11 (67–100 credits)
- British Columbia: Grade 11
- Manitoba: Grade 11 (min. 13 credits)
- New Brunswick: Grade 11 (min. 12 or 13 credits, depending on the plan)
- Newfoundland and Labrador: Grade 11 (min. 24 credits)
- Nova Scotia: Grade 11 (min. 12 credits)
- Ontario: Secondary School Diploma, Grade 11 (min. 22 credits) NB: as of 2002: Grade 11 completed, with at least 22 credits; prior to 2002: Grade 12 completed with OSSD or OSD.
- Prince Edward Island: Grade 11 (min. 12 credits)
- Saskatchewan: Grade 11 (min. 16 credits)
Can I send an application or admission documents by email?
Unfortunately, we do not accept applications and related documents by email or fax.
If you applied online, you must scan the documents and attach them to your online admission account.
If you have submitted a paper application or have reached the maximum number of documents that can be attached to your online admission account, you must send the documents along with the file number (FILE-AZ170901, INF-AZ170901, ADM-AZ170901 or permanent code from the MEES) (for a paper application) to the following address:
- Air Richelieu Office of the Registrar
5800 Route de l’Aéroport
Saint-Hubert QC J3Y 8Y9
Where can I get more information about the admissions process?
The steps to apply for admission are available in the Application for Admission to a College Program section.
What are the admission fees and the accepted payment methods?
The Registration Procedure section details the various fees and payment methods accepted.
When you apply online, you will also be able to make the payment online with a credit card.
What are the required documents for the college program (ACS—Attestation of College Studies and DCS—Diploma of College Studies)?
The Application Procedure section details the various documents required for the application.
I would like to apply to several programs. How do I do this?
In order to maintain priority or if you wish to apply for multiple programs of study, you will need to apply and pay the full fee for all programs in separate emails.
Refundable fees for programs of study not taken will be returned to you.
The Registration Procedure section details the different steps required for the application process (e.g. if you are applying for the DCS but are not sure if you are eligible, it is advisable to also apply for the ACS rather than wait for the answer for the DCS.)
Can I provide a birth certificate from a parish (baptism certificate)?
No. As of the 2013 winter term, the Ministère de l’Éducation changed its policy regarding Quebec residency and required identification documents for Quebec-born students.
- Not accepted anymore : Birth and baptism certificates issued by a parish, city or hospital (even if issued before 1994) are no longer accepted.
- Accepted : Birth certificates issued by the Directeur de l’état civil du Québec, issued after January 1, 1994, are accepted. Also acceptable is a Canadian passport that clearly indicates the place of birth in Quebec or other birth registrations (e.g. the blue plastic card) issued by the Quebec government before 1994.
Who can submit documents in electronic format for online admission?
All applicants who apply online can submit the required documents in electronic format using their reference code and email.
I have new documents to add to my online application. Is this possible?
You can delete an already uploaded document and replace it with another one, as long as you have not made the official request by clicking on the “Request evaluation” button.
I have applied to the college in the past. Do I have to provide all the relevant information again?
Yes, you must re-submit all the necessary documents for your application and pay the correct fees again.
How will I receive the admission decision?
Information about admission decisions is sent in a decision letter via email.
Applicants who complete an online application can view the decision by returning to the Status section of an application.
For confidentiality reasons, the decision cannot be communicated by telephone.
If I provide reference letters, will I have a better chance of being admitted to a program?
No, reference letters are not considered as part of an application.
Is there any recourse if I am refused admission to a program?
If your application for admission has been denied, you may request a review of the decision, but only if you believe that the admission and selection process was not properly applied, i.e., that it is flawed. This request for review J’ai compris plusieurs documents pour une seul demande d’admission (ex. la demande d’admission pour le DES). Merci de confirmer cannot be based solely on your desire to be admitted to the program.
However, if the review committee believes that the process is indeed flawed, the file and the request for review will be re-evaluated and a new recommendation (acceptance or refusal) will be made to the Registrar. The Registrar will send you the final decision (acceptance or refusal) without appeal.
To file a request for the decision to be reconsidered:
- Request a review of your denied application, in writing, by sending it to the Registrar’s Office—Admissions. This must be sent within fifteen (15) business days (as evidenced by the postmark) following your receipt of the email informing you of the denial of admission to a given program. You must state, in detail, the reasons why you believe the admission and selection process was not properly applied. This information must be factual and without any insistence on being admitted to the program.
- Mark the envelope and the letter as follows: “Request for review of denied application.”
- Indicate your full name, date of birth and application reference number, as well as the title of the program you are applying for, on the review request letter.
- Do not attach any additional documents. The review committee will make its decision based on the documents submitted at the time of application.
Why do I need an ID number after I apply?
Once you have applied online, you will receive an email confirmation including a unique identification number beginning with ADM.
You will need this ID to track the progress of your file.
To facilitate any search, make sure you use it when you contact our offices.
I submitted an application and paid the fee, I but have not received confirmation. Is this normal?
It may take a few minutes to send your confirmation. However, check your junk inbox.
If you think you have misspelled the email or if you have any other problems, please contact supervision@airrichelieu.com.
I have to upload multiple documents for one application.
You can only upload one document per application (e.g. the three transcripts for the DCS application).
You will need to combine all the documents into one without exceeding the size limit of each document.
Portail AirSupervision
I can't connect to the portal with my login and password. What should I do?
If you cannot connect to the system, check the following cases:
- Until you are an active college student, you cannot access all the features of AirSupervision. When you begin your training at Collège Air Richelieu, you will automatically obtain student status. Activating your account may take a few days.
- Use the email address you provided during registration to log in to the system.
- You don’t have a password! In the Lost password section, please enter 2 times the email address you provided when registering. A temporary password will be provided to you.
- For security purposes, the temporary password provided by the system is only valid for 6 hours.
- For security purposes, the portal will deny you access if you have attempted to log in multiple times within a short period of time. Please wait and try again later.
- For security purposes and to improve the user experience, the AirSupervision portal uses cookies (or connection cookies) as well as the opening of pop-up windows. Check that your internet browser allows the use of such functions.
- Some internet browsers offer a private, anonymous or incognito mode of use. the AirSupervision portal uses cookies (or connection cookies) which are deactivated by these modes. Use your browser’s normal mode to log in to your AirSupervision account.
- In the case of the use of a mobile device (smartphone, electronic tablet), each device provides its own internet browser with its own functionalities and specificities.
- Check default settings
- Check automatic passwords used by your device
- Clear web browser cache
- Close the browser completely then try the connection attempt again
- You may be a victim of fraud and the attacker has changed your password. You should immediately renew your password in the Lost password section
For any other connection issues, please contact an IT administrator.
I forgot to log out of a public computer. What should I do?
By leaving your session open on a public computer, a malicious user will be able to access your profile and all related information (personal files, grades, exam notes, etc.). Don’t worry! Logging in using another computer will end the previous session.
I am unable to make an aircraft or classroom reservation on the portal scheduling page. What should I do?
As a student, in order to avoid any abuse, you cannot make reservations on the portal. Contact dispatch!
Why does the system keep bringing me to the memoranda page all the time?
A memorandum requires you to read it. At the end of the text there should be an “Acknowledge” button. Please click the button.
In some cases, an online course, survey, or exam may appear. You will have to follow it or answer it entirely in order to validate the memorandum and continue to use the portal.
I can't validate a course or a flight in the "Course details" of my training. Why?
It is necessary to check that all the lessons of the course, in question, have indeed been approved by signatures.
In the “Lessons” tab, you should be able to filter the list of lessons and only display those with one or more signatures missing.
I made a mistake when entering the information for one of the "Course details" lessons in my training. What should I do?
If no signature has been affixed, you can still make changes. If not, speak to the instructor responsible for your training so that you can make changes.
In the left menu, a button will allow you to make the modification request by indicating the necessary information.
The payment seems to be passed several times or nothing is displayed after my payment. What should I do?
By contacting supervision@airrichelieu.com, we can make the necessary verifications and confirm whether the payment(s) have been received by the Admissions Department.
To facilitate the processing of your request, please provide us with the first name, last name and reference number of the file to be verified and the first and last name of the holder of the credit card used to make the payment as well as the four (4) last digits of the card.
Do you have another question?
Talk to one of our advisors

Jazz Pathway
This pathway was set up with the collaboration of Jazz Aviation to give our most deserving instructors and students (in ATPL-integrated college programs) direct access to selection interviews. A pathway with Airmedic has also been established.
A. T. O.
Approved Training Organization
Building on its excellent reputation, Collège Air Richelieu signed an agreement with Transport Canada in 2020, certifying the college as an Approved Training Organization (ATO).